Project Owner: Ministry of National Planning Housing and Infrastructure

Project Contractor: Boskalis Westminster Contracting Ltd.

Project Location: Gulhifalhu located on the southern rim of North Malé Atoll

The Gulhifalhu dredging and land reclamation project consists of dredging and placement of 20 million cubic meters of sand in the eastern part of Gulhifalhu lagoon, as well as the construction of revetments to protect the new land.

The first phase of dredging and placing 6 million cubic meters of sand is currently underway. Sand is being dredged from an area inside of North Male Atoll, just north of Male, Vilimale and Gulhifalhu.

Environmental management measures are in place to reduce the spread of sediment in the water, and water quality monitoring is taking place daily around sand borrow and reclamation areas.

The project owner of this project is the Ministry of National Planning Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI). The MNPHI is the government authority responsible for planning and development of public infrastructure on islands of the Maldives.

Project Scope

The project scope comprises of the following four components

Preparatory Works

Sand search: Mobilize equipment to survey the potential sand sources within north Malé Atoll and identify the sand borrow sites

Deploy mitigation measures: Mobilize the Back-hoe dredger and excavators to site and prepare mitigation measures at the receiving site including, containment sand bunds, silt screens and relocate corals.

Dredging and Reclamation

Equipment and material mobilization: Mobilize the dredger and support equipment for reclamation work

Dredging and reclamation works: Undertake dredging and reclamation works

Dredging new entrance: Since the existing channel on the eastern end will be closed a new temporary channel will be dredged on the northern side where the permanent channel will be located

Shore Protection Works

Equipment and material mobilization: Mobilize excavators and rock required for shore protection

Shore protection construction: Revetments to be constructed to protect all ocean facing sides of the reclamation works. All inner lagoon facing areas will be protected as part of port and harbour construction works.


Handover and demobilize equipment

Project Schedule

The project (Phase 1) is estimated to take 9 - 14 months to complete.

Land Use

Ministry of National Planning Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI) is responsible for the development of the port and determining the land use of the reclamation area. For more information about this visit www.planning.gov.mv.