Gulhifalhu Dredging and Reclamation Project: Dredging Update
Boskalis, the main contractor of the K. Gulhifalhu reclamation project, began dredging activities on 29 June 2023 using the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) “ORANJE”. The TSHD ORANJE ceased dredging on 21 August 2023 and has departed from the Maldives. A new vessel, TSHD “PRINS DER NEDERLANDEN has been mobilized and the Dredging and reclamation has commenced on 22 August 2023”.
Dredging will continue in the sand borrow areas marked in Figure 1. After collecting the sand, the TSHD will go to the Guhlifalhu Reclamation Project site to pump the sandfill material ashore. The locations of the floating line to pump the sandfill material ashore are shown in Figure 3.
Dredging activities will occur 24/7. The Project will ensure that any changes to equipment, dredging schedules, or dredging locations are communicated to communities in advance.

Figure 1: Sand Borrow Areas and Dredging Restrictions


Figure 3: Location of Floating Line (red striped box)
Environmental Measures
In sections of the borrow area close to sensitive reefs, marked ‘Controlled Overflow’, the dredge vessel will make use of a green valve: a device installed on the dredge vessel that decreases turbidity generated during dredging works. Specific controls are in place to minimize impact during periods of coral spawning and/or coral bleaching.
Dredging closest to resorts will be executed during night-time as much as possible, to limit visual impact on tourists.
Water quality monitoring will take place daily around the sand borrow and reclamation areas.
Safety Measures
When sailing or fishing, please maintain a safe distance of at least 500 meters from all Project vessels and equipment to avoid collisions and damage to fishing gear.
Please also follow any relevant instructions and the public notice to mariners issued by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation from 20 August onwards.
Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism
A Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been set up for the project and Community Liaison Officer (CLO) has been appointed to register and address the grievances. The ways to reach the CLO and lodge a concern/complaint are described at
CLO can be reached via WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram on +(960)7325376.
For further information about the Project, including environmental management measures, refer to: